Our Why


The Clean Generation Trailer 2012


The Voice Inc (TVI) believes that in order to bring about sustainable long lasting change, unequal power structures that have entrenched poverty and increased inequality must be addressed head on.

We believe that a nation cannot be built on brokenness—broken systems, broken homes and a broken spirit.

We believe that the world is at the nexus of a great transition that will require brave leaders to sojourn on paths less travelled. We see a generation awakening to their purpose and rising to become solution providers to bring about a paradigm shift. They are the clean generation. A generation that will forge a path to an ecological paradigm that puts the needs of the people on par with the needs of the planet.

Young people in PNG make up 70% of the population and hold the key to developing the nation’s future. As wealth pours in for the nation, we must be investing in building the wealth of a young person’s character. The time is now.

Much like a garden that needs the right environment for beautiful plant life to develop, people carry within themselves seed-like potential that needs the right environment to grow. At a higher level this environment is created through policy and legislation and robust and well-funded institutions that provide an enabling environment.

However, the real power for change lies in the hands of people in well-structured communities who work through interconnected webs and networks to solve problems and pool together resources for the greater good.

TVI exists to champion these enabling environments by working across all levels of society, in churches, communities, schools and with government and the private sector to unlock the value of our nation.

Our identity as Christians and Melanesians gives us strength to take our rightful place in the world. As Melanesians we are proud of our rich and ancient tribal heritage. As followers of Jesus Christ we lead in his example of kindness, compassion and His Mandate given in Isaiah 61 to call out injustice and challenge power structures that entrench inequality.