By Judy Gelua
Coordinator, Kundiawa Diocesan Caritas

Caritas Kundiawa is a Faith Based Organization under Caritas Papua New Guinea through Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. (PNGSI) that serves as a Peace, Justice, Relief and Development Agency.

It has its development Programs active throughout the Catholic Church network often in partnership with state agencies and other CSOs. We are privileged to be part of ‘The Voice Inc. through its Local Leadership and Action Program (LLCAP). Caritas Kundiawa has been Advocating on Sorcery Accused Related Violence (SARV) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) and other related violence.

On this note, The Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) course by Harvard University Building State Capacity Team through The Voice Inc is considered a gift in time for up skilling, enhancing knowledge and strategies towards positive approach in addressing Sorcery Accused Related Violence. (SARV) Gender Based Violence, GBV and other related violence.

One of the major reasons I consider to take up this course is that ‘Laws and policies alone are not enough ‘ . The Law is not and cannot be the only answer to minimize SARV and GBV especially when the system and process of governance remain corrupt and broken. New ways and strategies need to be looked at to deal with GBV and SARV and other related offences. Addressing SARV and GBV is not about making pronouncements of laws and policies. Laws must be genuinely and honestly enforced against perpetrators to protect victims and’ survivors of abuse of violence.

The second foremost reason is that capacity building and networking with partners is the way forward to deliver our expected outcomes. In this case our strategic plans are not and cannot be enough to achieve the purpose. This has to be supported by implementation and enforcement. This too cannot happen without appropriate mechanism, people and funding which will also depend on strong will and desire to empower each other in the process for maximum outcomes and benefits on SARV and GBV.

Moreover male advocacy programs are needed in our communities and institutions until man and boys change their perceptions of women and girls. More and better (appropriate) education and formation of children at an early age can go a long way to help. Caritas Kundiawa plans for a Bottom Up Approach of Advocacy on SARV and GBV in our Catholic Education agencies. This course will empower us with the way forward to address SARV.

On the contrary, while considering some of these facts and strategies, sustainable Development Programs towards SARV and GBV is necessary in the long run to curtail the existing situations. There are some efforts and positive progress made by frontline health services, policing, counselling, safe houses and prosecution services are still understaffed and unfunded. Most of our referral cases have gone unnoticed. It is also a spotlight that most horrendous cases have gone unheard. Hundreds of cases have gone unreported because of fear and lack of protection. The systems and processes for protection and enforcement are compromised and corrupt. Even the victims and survivors of GBV and SARV cannot reach the end of the justice system.

Recently, the approach taken by The Voice Inc to provide legal services with its partners in drafting Interim Protection Order is enriching our program and shed light for our clients. It truly promotes our advocacy on Protection to life and Human Dignity. This course will enable me to equip myself with necessary strategies in my approaches to the vulnerable in the communities. Am amuse the four principles of PDIA will truly guide and aid me in my work.

Learn more about the PDIA 2 Cohort here.
